Private Lessons

  • We will teach you how to train your dog, while guiding you through the process.

    Imagine your dog listening to you every time. Not jumping on anyone, always walking right next to you during walks, not chewing or barking like crazy… When it comes to training, what you put into it is what you get out of it. Moreover, we empower you with structure and boundaries to help strengthen you and your dog’s relationship. Private Training will benefit you a great deal if you’re committed to seeing results!

    Our unique approach to dog training is geared more towards addressing the fundamental state of mind of your dog, rather than strictly focusing on creating rehearsed behaviors. In other words, we are much more concerned with creating a happy, healthy, balanced dog than creating a dog that simply knows a few obedience commands.

    These programs are perfect for a dog that isn’t dealing with major behavioral issues and really just needs a bit of a tune up.

    • Loose leash heel with automatic sit when stopped.

    • Sit until released.

    • Down until released.

    • Enter/exit crate on command.

    • Place command.

      • Remain on designated surface until released. Historically used with elevated pet cot.

    • Off-Leash Recall.

    • Out command (Leave it/drop it.)

      • Teaching your dog to let go of items or not pick up potentially harmful objects is important for their safety and preventing destructive behaviors.

    • Mouthiness.

      • Teach your dog what is and isn’t okay to put their teeth on.

    • No Jumping.

      • Training your dog not to jump on people helps establish polite greetings and prevents them from potentially knocking over or startling others.

    • Stop counter surfing.

      • Learn how to finally put an end to this mischievous and potentially dangerous behavior.

    • Basic Manners

      • This includes behaviors like not begging for food, waiting for meals, not chewing on inappropriate items, address over-excitement/stimulation during certain activities like being groomed or examined by a veterinarian.

    • House Training.

      • Teaching your dog appropriate bathroom habits and where to eliminate is essential for a clean and well-maintained living environment.

    • Socialization

      • Properly exposing your dog to people, other dogs, and different environments is crucial for their development, confidence, and well-being.

    The specific behaviors may vary depending on individual owner preferences and the dog's needs.

  • Perfect for addressing a minor issue within the home or teaching a simple behavior.

    Tuition: $100

  • Together we will not only teach your dog to wait politely at the door but also to walk nicely next to you without marking, pulling, lagging or exhibiting any other unacceptable behaviors.

    Tuition: $500

  • Perfect for teaching 2-4 behaviors.

    Tuition: $1,000

  • Great for teaching 4+ behaviors.

    Tuition: $1,200