Seminars & Workshops

Practical Training Techniques for Every Dog Owner

Our meticulously designed programs cater to dog owners and pet professionals eager to enhance their understanding of canine behavior, psychology, and effective training methods.

The Canine Connection: Training & Behavior Seminar

This two-day seminar is for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge and enhance their approach to dog training & behavior management. With a special focus on theoretical understanding & training strategies. This seminar provides valuable insights that can be applied to everyday interactions with your dog, ensuring a happier, healthier relationship.

What Awaits You:

  • Genetics & Characteristics: Gain insights into various purebreds and mixed breeds & what makes them unique.

  • Canine Development: From playful puppy to serene senior, learn how each phase affects their training & behavior.

  • Behavior & Psychology: The underpinnings of canine actions and reactions, understanding what drives your dog and how to gently guide them towards desired behaviors.

  • Learning and Training Principles: Discover the fundamentals of behavior training.

  • Harmony and Leadership: Explore how to balance affection and structure in your relationship with your dog, ensuring mutual respect and deep, lasting bonds.

Fee: $120

Venue: The Haus of Dogs, Edmonds, WA

Duration: Approximately 2 hours long each day (4 hours in total).

Dates: TBA

Note: This seminar is for humans only.

Understanding Leash Reactivity:

Insights & Strategies for Dog Owners

Designed exclusively for dog owners seeking to understand and address leash reactivity, a common behavioral challenge among dogs. Delve into the psychological underpinnings of canine aggression, shedding light on the various types of aggression, potential causes, and effective strategies for management and improvement.

  • The Psychology Behind Canine Aggression: Explore the mental and emotional processes that may lead to aggressive behaviors in dogs, including fear, frustration, and territoriality. Learn how a dog's perception of its environment can influence its reactions to stimuli.

  • Types of Aggression: Gain clarity on the different forms of aggression, such as fear-based, protective, possessive, and predatory aggression. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for identifying the root causes of your dog's behavior.

  • Potential Causes of Leash Reactivity: Delve into the factors that can contribute to leash reactivity, from lack of socialization and past traumas to genetic predispositions. Discover how environmental triggers and owner behavior can impact a dog's leash aggression.

  • Educational Strategies for Owners: Learn about non-physical, theory-based approaches to managing and improving your dog's leash reactivity. We will discuss the importance of consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, as well as techniques for building trust and confidence in your dog.

  • Creating a Plan for Improvement: Equip yourself with the knowledge to develop a personalized plan aimed at reducing aggression and enhancing your dog's ability to cope with triggers. Understand the role of professional support and when to seek help from a behaviorist or trainer

Fee: $300

Venue: The Haus of Dogs, Edmonds, WA

Prerequisite: The Canine Connection

Duration: Approximately 2 hours

Dates: TBA

Note: If you are unable to fulfill course prereq due to scheduling reasons, please contact us.

This workshop is for humans and one canine per household.

While this seminar is designed to provide you with a deep understanding and practical knowledge to address leash reactivity, it is not a replacement for our Behavior Modification Board & Train program. For dogs requiring intensive, hands-on training and rehabilitation, we highly recommend our comprehensive Board & Train service, which offers personalized behavior modification to meet your dog's specific needs.

More Courses on the Way!